A bounty of Summer Recipes
Summer is officially here, along with an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables that we are able to grow here in the Pacific Northwest. It’s a great time to aim for getting more fruits and vegetables in your diet. Incorporating a variety of different plant-based foods of multiple colors helps ensure we are getting all the nutrients our bodies need. Many of us enjoy gardening, and using produce from our garden can be especially rewarding. For those not interested in or able to grow their own produce, local farmer’s markets are a wonderful way to find a variety of fruit and veggie options while supporting local farmers and benefitting your health. Produce has the highest nutrient content when it is freshly harvested, so harvesting your own or buying from a local farmer’s market gets produce from farm to table quickly. Additionally, many local farms grow organic produce even if they are not officially certified as organic farms – be sure to ask about farming practices. Here’s a link to help you find a local farmer’s market near you: Portland Area Farmer’s Markets
The Dietary Guidelines for America (https://www.dietaryguidelines.gov/) recommends that we fill half of our plate with fruits and vegetables, with the remaining half split between lean protein, and whole grain foods. With so many fresh, in-season options such as lettuce, peppers, kale, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, snap peas, berries, peaches and melons, the summer season makes it easier to meet this goal. Fresh herbs are also bursting with flavor and nutrients – so use them liberally as well!
Experimenting with different food options and trying new recipes can be fun and healthy, especially when a partner or family member joins in the kitchen.
Follow this link for a booklet packed full of nourishing menu options that take advantage of our summer produce: Mindfully Nourished Summer Menu Options
Also included are a variety of refreshing non-alcoholic “mocktails” and other beverage options. Need additional guidance? Book a no-charge discovery call so that we can talk about your personal needs. Cheers to a healthy summer, staying cool, and being mindfully nourished!